Weekly Online Ministry Opportunities
8:00 AM – “Pop-Up Church” Tenderloin Outreach with The Outpost in San Francisco, CA / YWAM (Youth With A Mission) 357 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA
Pastor Dennis Adams
9:00 AM – Adult Sunday School with Christian Cathedral in Oakland, CA / Online / “Building Strong Families”
Dr. Hannah Harrington, Dr. Rebecca Skaggs, and Mr. John Moncher
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-533-8300 / Password: CECA
9:15 AM – Adult Bible Study with The Outpost in San Francisco, CA / YWAM (Youth With A Mission) 357 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA
Pastor Kathy Adams
10:00 AM – Worship Service with The Word Church in Stockton, CA / Onsite and Online / 2106 Cherokee Road, Stockton, CA
Pastor Sergio Acedo
YouTube: thewordstockton / Instagram:@thewordstockton
10:00 AM – Worship Service with The Church – Inland Empire (and Corona Campus) in SoCal / Onsite and Online / 1355 W. 6th St., Ontario, CA 91762
Pastor Joshua Montgomery
Instagram: The Church Inland Empire / YouTube: Inland Empire Fellowship
10:00 AM – Worship Service with The Outpost in San Francisco, CA / YWAM (Youth With A Mission) 357 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
Pastor Dennis Adams
10:20 AM – The Word Presented – Word and Ministry Service with The Outpost in San Francisco, CA / Onsite and Online @sfoutpost / YWAM (Youth With A Mission) 357 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
Pastor Dennis Adams
www.facebook.com/sfoutpost / www.theoutpost.info
10:50 AM – Prayer Service at Christian Cathedral in Oakland, CA / Onsite and Online / 2433 Coolidge Avenue, Oakland, CA
Dr. Abraham Ruelas / Mr. and Mrs. John and Sharon Moncher
Pastor Becky Olivera / Rev. Wortham Fears
www.ceca.online.church / YouTube: Christian Cathedral
www.thecathedral.us or Christian Cathedral Mobile App https://www.facebook.com/thecathedral.us
11:00 AM – Worship Service at Christian Cathedral in Oakland, CA / Onsite and Online / 2433 Coolidge Ave., Oakland, CA
Pastor Tobey Montgomery
www.thecathedral.us or Christian Cathedral Mobile App https://www.facebook.com/thecathedral.us
YouTube: Christian Cathedral
11:00 AM – Children’s Church On Campus with The Cathedral in Oakland, CA / Faith Hall and PACE Nursery / 2430 & 2433 Coolidge Avenue, Oakland, CA
Mrs. Carrie Ruelas / Mrs. Rita Segura
1:00 PM – Spanish Worship Service with The Word Church in Stockton, CA
Pastor Sergio Acedo
YouTube: thewordstockton / Instagram:@thewordstockton
1:30 PM – Youth Bible Study with The Cathedral in Oakland / Gifts of The Spirit
Pastor Tobey Montgomery / Onsite and Online / Pastor’s Office / 2433 Coolidge Avenue, Oakland, CA 94601
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-533-8300 / Password: CECA
5:00 PM – La Catedral Spanish Worship Service at The Cathedral in Oakland, CA / Onsite and Online / 2433 Coolidge Avenue, Oakland, CA
Pastor Luís Mata
Instagram: @lacatedraloakland
YouTube: La Catedral Oakland
6:30 PM – The NEXT SALT (Serving And Leading Together) is SUNDAY, April 16 / Online Only / Christian Cathedral
Pastor Tobey Montgomery
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-533-8300 / Password: CECA
6:00 PM – Prayer Service (English) with The Word Church in Stockton, CA
Pastor Sergio Acedo
YouTube: thewordstockton / Instagram:@thewordstockton
6:30 PM – Prayer Meeting with Christian Cathedral in Oakland, CA
Rev. Wortham Fears / Mr. & Mrs. John & Sharon Moncher / Dr. Abe Ruelas / Pastor Becky Olivera
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-533-8300 / Password: CECA
5:00 PM – REVIVE Youth Bible Study with The Word Church in Stockton, CA / Onsite / 2106 Cherokee Road, Stockton, CA
Pastor Sergio Acedo
6:00 PM – Life Group – Riverside East - Bible Study and Prayer with The Church – Inland Empire / Home of Jim and Linda Wheeler / Information: 714.273.7457
Pastor Mike Longridge
6:00 PM – Young Men’s Leadership Bible Study with The Cathedral in Oakland, CA / Studies in The Letter to The Ephesians and “Pilgrim’s Progress” by John Bunyan / Onsite and Online / Pastor’s Office / 2433 Coolidge Ave., Oakland
Pastor Tobey Montgomery
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 951-768-9343 / Password: Timothy
6:30 PM – Men’s Bible Study with Christian Cathedral in Oakland, CA / The Minor Prophets: Jonah, Nahum, Zephaniah, and Habakkuk / Online
Mr. Bruce Dennis
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-914-2083 / Password: 223344
6:30 PM – Women’s Bible Study with Christian Cathedral in Oakland, CA / A Study on Sharing Your Faith With Others / Online
Rev. BeBe Dennis
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 530-684-4627
7:00 PM – Bible Study Group 1 with The Outpost in San Francisco, CA / 501 Hyde Street, San Francisco, CA 94109
Various Teacher
7:00 PM – Bible Study Group 2 with The Outpost in San Francisco, CA / “The Upper Room” / 3728 Cesar Chavez, San Francisco, CA
Various Teacher
8:30 PM – Facebook Live Prayer and Encouragement: “Let’s Isolate Together” with The Cathedral in Oakland, CA / Online
Pastor Becky Olivera / https://www.facebook.com/Rebecca.Becky.O/
6:00 PM – Bible Study with The Word Church in Stockton, CA
Pastor Sergio Acedo /
YouTube: thewordstockton / Instagram:@thewordstockton
6:30 PM – Prayer Meeting with Christian Cathedral in Oakland, CA
Rev. Wortham Fears / Mr. & Mrs. John & Sharon Moncher / Dr. Abe Ruelas / Pastor Becky Olivera
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-533-8300 / Password: CECA
7:00 PM – La Catedral Spanish Bible Study at The Cathedral, Wycliffe Hall-Room 105, in Oakland, CA / 2433 Coolidge Avenue, Oakland, CA
Pastor Luis Mata
7:00 PM – Bible Study and Prayer Meeting with The Outpost at “The Upper Room” in San Francisco, CA / Onsite and Online @sfoutpost / 3728 Cesar Chavez Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
Pastor Dennis Adams
www.facebook.com/sfoutpost /
7:00 PM – Youth Bible Study with The Church – Inland Empire (and Corona Campus) in SoCal / 1355 W. 6th St., Ontario, CA 91762
Pastor Erica Kussman
Please email Erica at [email protected]
5:00 PM – Grief Share Group with The Cathedral in Oakland, CA.
Sister Rebekka Williams and Dr. Rebecca Skaggs
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-533-8300 / Password: CECA
To Sign-up: www.griefshare.org / Workbook is $20.
For More Information: 510.485.7682 or [email protected]
6:00 PM – (3rd Thursday Every Month) Women’s and Men’s Bible Study with The Church – Inland Empire in Ontario, CA - Both in person and via Zoom
Women’s Director Carroll Backman and Laurie McLaughlin – For more info., please email The Church at [email protected]
7:00 PM – Prayer Meeting with The Outpost in San Francisco, CA / Online /
Pastor Dennis Adams
www.facebook.com/pastordennisadams or @pastordennnis
12:00 PM (Noon) – PACE Good Friday Service in Christian Cathedral, Oakland, CA
Dr. Sharon Anderson / Dr. Bill Harrington / Pastor Tobey Montgomery
6:30 PM – Prayer Meeting with Christian Cathedral in Oakland, CA
Rev. Wortham Fears / Mr. & Mrs. John & Sharon Moncher / Dr. Abe Ruelas / Pastor Becky Olivera
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-533-8300 / Password: CECA
7:00 PM –Good Friday Communion Service in Christian Cathedral, Oakland, CA
Pastor Tobey Montgomery
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-533-8300 / Password: CECA
7:00 PM – Ladies Spanish-Speaking “Mujeres Virtuosas” Bible Study / Christian Cathedral in Wycliffe Room 105
Pastor Dorine Mata
Pastors Tobey and Robin Montgomery, Christian Cathedral, Oakland, CA
510.533.8300 / www.thecathedral.us / www.facebook.com/thecathedral.us / [email protected]
Pastor Joshua Montgomery, The Church - Inland Empire / Ontario & Corona, CA
[email protected] / www.thechurch-ie.org
Pastor Dennis Adams, The San Francisco Outpost, San Francisco, CA
Private Message at www.facebook.com/pastordennisadams / www.theoutpost.info
Pastor Sergio Acedo, The Word Church, Stockton, CA
[email protected] / www.thewordnow.org
Pastor Luís Mata, La Catedral, Oakland, CA
510.260.1693 / [email protected]
Pastoral Care
Reverend Wortham Fears, Christian Cathedral
Reverend BeBe Dennis, Christian Cathedral
Mrs. Rebekka Williams, Counseling Ministry, Christian Cathedral
510.485.7685 and via Zoom
Reverend Yanira Moncher, Christian Cathedral
Reverend Rebecca Olivera, Christian Cathedral
[email protected]
Mrs. Dorine Hinds Mata, La Catedral
510.240.2465 / [email protected]
Sandra Rayos, Prayer Leader: 650.771.5119 / [email protected]
Julia Sandoval: 510.282.2719
Live-Streaming Services
Christian Cathedral
www.ceca.online.church / www.thecathedral.us
YouTube: Christian Cathedral
Mr. Richard Swanson, Christian Cathedral, 510.774.5693
The Church - Inland Empire
Instagram: The Hill Christian Fellowship
YouTube/YouTube Live: Inland Empire Church
The San Francisco Outpost
The Word Church
La Catedral
Instagram: @lacatedraloakland
YouTube: La Catedral Oakland
Practical Assistance and Information
Limited Reopening: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday / 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Mrs. Marguerite Harding, Front Desk: 510.533.8300
Christian Cathedral Fruitvale Parish Ministry:
The Ruelas Family (Dr. Abe, Sister Patti, Brother Isaac, and Sister Carrie)
Outreach Events & Community Service Activities
COVID and Community Notices, Security and Safety
Dr. Abe – 510.502.9847 / Sister Patti - 510.502.9294
Mr. Aaron Aguilar, Christian Cathedral
Groceries and Supplies, Transportation to Health Care Providers
Patten Educational Foundation / Patten Academy of Christian Education (PACE)
Dr. Sharon Anderson, Principal
[email protected]
Patten Educational Foundation / Patten University
Dr. Gary Moncher, President
[email protected]
8:00 AM – “Pop-Up Church” Tenderloin Outreach with The Outpost in San Francisco, CA / YWAM (Youth With A Mission) 357 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA
Pastor Dennis Adams
9:00 AM – Adult Sunday School with Christian Cathedral in Oakland, CA / Online / “Building Strong Families”
Dr. Hannah Harrington, Dr. Rebecca Skaggs, and Mr. John Moncher
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-533-8300 / Password: CECA
9:15 AM – Adult Bible Study with The Outpost in San Francisco, CA / YWAM (Youth With A Mission) 357 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA
Pastor Kathy Adams
10:00 AM – Worship Service with The Word Church in Stockton, CA / Onsite and Online / 2106 Cherokee Road, Stockton, CA
Pastor Sergio Acedo
YouTube: thewordstockton / Instagram:@thewordstockton
10:00 AM – Worship Service with The Church – Inland Empire (and Corona Campus) in SoCal / Onsite and Online / 1355 W. 6th St., Ontario, CA 91762
Pastor Joshua Montgomery
Instagram: The Church Inland Empire / YouTube: Inland Empire Fellowship
10:00 AM – Worship Service with The Outpost in San Francisco, CA / YWAM (Youth With A Mission) 357 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
Pastor Dennis Adams
10:20 AM – The Word Presented – Word and Ministry Service with The Outpost in San Francisco, CA / Onsite and Online @sfoutpost / YWAM (Youth With A Mission) 357 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
Pastor Dennis Adams
www.facebook.com/sfoutpost / www.theoutpost.info
10:50 AM – Prayer Service at Christian Cathedral in Oakland, CA / Onsite and Online / 2433 Coolidge Avenue, Oakland, CA
Dr. Abraham Ruelas / Mr. and Mrs. John and Sharon Moncher
Pastor Becky Olivera / Rev. Wortham Fears
www.ceca.online.church / YouTube: Christian Cathedral
www.thecathedral.us or Christian Cathedral Mobile App https://www.facebook.com/thecathedral.us
11:00 AM – Worship Service at Christian Cathedral in Oakland, CA / Onsite and Online / 2433 Coolidge Ave., Oakland, CA
Pastor Tobey Montgomery
www.thecathedral.us or Christian Cathedral Mobile App https://www.facebook.com/thecathedral.us
YouTube: Christian Cathedral
11:00 AM – Children’s Church On Campus with The Cathedral in Oakland, CA / Faith Hall and PACE Nursery / 2430 & 2433 Coolidge Avenue, Oakland, CA
Mrs. Carrie Ruelas / Mrs. Rita Segura
1:00 PM – Spanish Worship Service with The Word Church in Stockton, CA
Pastor Sergio Acedo
YouTube: thewordstockton / Instagram:@thewordstockton
1:30 PM – Youth Bible Study with The Cathedral in Oakland / Gifts of The Spirit
Pastor Tobey Montgomery / Onsite and Online / Pastor’s Office / 2433 Coolidge Avenue, Oakland, CA 94601
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-533-8300 / Password: CECA
5:00 PM – La Catedral Spanish Worship Service at The Cathedral in Oakland, CA / Onsite and Online / 2433 Coolidge Avenue, Oakland, CA
Pastor Luís Mata
Instagram: @lacatedraloakland
YouTube: La Catedral Oakland
6:30 PM – The NEXT SALT (Serving And Leading Together) is SUNDAY, April 16 / Online Only / Christian Cathedral
Pastor Tobey Montgomery
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-533-8300 / Password: CECA
6:00 PM – Prayer Service (English) with The Word Church in Stockton, CA
Pastor Sergio Acedo
YouTube: thewordstockton / Instagram:@thewordstockton
6:30 PM – Prayer Meeting with Christian Cathedral in Oakland, CA
Rev. Wortham Fears / Mr. & Mrs. John & Sharon Moncher / Dr. Abe Ruelas / Pastor Becky Olivera
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-533-8300 / Password: CECA
5:00 PM – REVIVE Youth Bible Study with The Word Church in Stockton, CA / Onsite / 2106 Cherokee Road, Stockton, CA
Pastor Sergio Acedo
6:00 PM – Life Group – Riverside East - Bible Study and Prayer with The Church – Inland Empire / Home of Jim and Linda Wheeler / Information: 714.273.7457
Pastor Mike Longridge
6:00 PM – Young Men’s Leadership Bible Study with The Cathedral in Oakland, CA / Studies in The Letter to The Ephesians and “Pilgrim’s Progress” by John Bunyan / Onsite and Online / Pastor’s Office / 2433 Coolidge Ave., Oakland
Pastor Tobey Montgomery
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 951-768-9343 / Password: Timothy
6:30 PM – Men’s Bible Study with Christian Cathedral in Oakland, CA / The Minor Prophets: Jonah, Nahum, Zephaniah, and Habakkuk / Online
Mr. Bruce Dennis
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-914-2083 / Password: 223344
6:30 PM – Women’s Bible Study with Christian Cathedral in Oakland, CA / A Study on Sharing Your Faith With Others / Online
Rev. BeBe Dennis
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 530-684-4627
7:00 PM – Bible Study Group 1 with The Outpost in San Francisco, CA / 501 Hyde Street, San Francisco, CA 94109
Various Teacher
7:00 PM – Bible Study Group 2 with The Outpost in San Francisco, CA / “The Upper Room” / 3728 Cesar Chavez, San Francisco, CA
Various Teacher
8:30 PM – Facebook Live Prayer and Encouragement: “Let’s Isolate Together” with The Cathedral in Oakland, CA / Online
Pastor Becky Olivera / https://www.facebook.com/Rebecca.Becky.O/
6:00 PM – Bible Study with The Word Church in Stockton, CA
Pastor Sergio Acedo /
YouTube: thewordstockton / Instagram:@thewordstockton
6:30 PM – Prayer Meeting with Christian Cathedral in Oakland, CA
Rev. Wortham Fears / Mr. & Mrs. John & Sharon Moncher / Dr. Abe Ruelas / Pastor Becky Olivera
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-533-8300 / Password: CECA
7:00 PM – La Catedral Spanish Bible Study at The Cathedral, Wycliffe Hall-Room 105, in Oakland, CA / 2433 Coolidge Avenue, Oakland, CA
Pastor Luis Mata
7:00 PM – Bible Study and Prayer Meeting with The Outpost at “The Upper Room” in San Francisco, CA / Onsite and Online @sfoutpost / 3728 Cesar Chavez Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
Pastor Dennis Adams
www.facebook.com/sfoutpost /
7:00 PM – Youth Bible Study with The Church – Inland Empire (and Corona Campus) in SoCal / 1355 W. 6th St., Ontario, CA 91762
Pastor Erica Kussman
Please email Erica at [email protected]
5:00 PM – Grief Share Group with The Cathedral in Oakland, CA.
Sister Rebekka Williams and Dr. Rebecca Skaggs
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-533-8300 / Password: CECA
To Sign-up: www.griefshare.org / Workbook is $20.
For More Information: 510.485.7682 or [email protected]
6:00 PM – (3rd Thursday Every Month) Women’s and Men’s Bible Study with The Church – Inland Empire in Ontario, CA - Both in person and via Zoom
Women’s Director Carroll Backman and Laurie McLaughlin – For more info., please email The Church at [email protected]
7:00 PM – Prayer Meeting with The Outpost in San Francisco, CA / Online /
Pastor Dennis Adams
www.facebook.com/pastordennisadams or @pastordennnis
12:00 PM (Noon) – PACE Good Friday Service in Christian Cathedral, Oakland, CA
Dr. Sharon Anderson / Dr. Bill Harrington / Pastor Tobey Montgomery
6:30 PM – Prayer Meeting with Christian Cathedral in Oakland, CA
Rev. Wortham Fears / Mr. & Mrs. John & Sharon Moncher / Dr. Abe Ruelas / Pastor Becky Olivera
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-533-8300 / Password: CECA
7:00 PM –Good Friday Communion Service in Christian Cathedral, Oakland, CA
Pastor Tobey Montgomery
www.zoom.us / Meeting ID: 510-533-8300 / Password: CECA
7:00 PM – Ladies Spanish-Speaking “Mujeres Virtuosas” Bible Study / Christian Cathedral in Wycliffe Room 105
Pastor Dorine Mata
Pastors Tobey and Robin Montgomery, Christian Cathedral, Oakland, CA
510.533.8300 / www.thecathedral.us / www.facebook.com/thecathedral.us / [email protected]
Pastor Joshua Montgomery, The Church - Inland Empire / Ontario & Corona, CA
[email protected] / www.thechurch-ie.org
Pastor Dennis Adams, The San Francisco Outpost, San Francisco, CA
Private Message at www.facebook.com/pastordennisadams / www.theoutpost.info
Pastor Sergio Acedo, The Word Church, Stockton, CA
[email protected] / www.thewordnow.org
Pastor Luís Mata, La Catedral, Oakland, CA
510.260.1693 / [email protected]
Pastoral Care
Reverend Wortham Fears, Christian Cathedral
Reverend BeBe Dennis, Christian Cathedral
Mrs. Rebekka Williams, Counseling Ministry, Christian Cathedral
510.485.7685 and via Zoom
Reverend Yanira Moncher, Christian Cathedral
Reverend Rebecca Olivera, Christian Cathedral
[email protected]
Mrs. Dorine Hinds Mata, La Catedral
510.240.2465 / [email protected]
Sandra Rayos, Prayer Leader: 650.771.5119 / [email protected]
Julia Sandoval: 510.282.2719
Live-Streaming Services
Christian Cathedral
www.ceca.online.church / www.thecathedral.us
YouTube: Christian Cathedral
Mr. Richard Swanson, Christian Cathedral, 510.774.5693
The Church - Inland Empire
Instagram: The Hill Christian Fellowship
YouTube/YouTube Live: Inland Empire Church
The San Francisco Outpost
The Word Church
La Catedral
Instagram: @lacatedraloakland
YouTube: La Catedral Oakland
Practical Assistance and Information
Limited Reopening: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday / 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Mrs. Marguerite Harding, Front Desk: 510.533.8300
Christian Cathedral Fruitvale Parish Ministry:
The Ruelas Family (Dr. Abe, Sister Patti, Brother Isaac, and Sister Carrie)
Outreach Events & Community Service Activities
COVID and Community Notices, Security and Safety
Dr. Abe – 510.502.9847 / Sister Patti - 510.502.9294
Mr. Aaron Aguilar, Christian Cathedral
Groceries and Supplies, Transportation to Health Care Providers
Patten Educational Foundation / Patten Academy of Christian Education (PACE)
Dr. Sharon Anderson, Principal
[email protected]
Patten Educational Foundation / Patten University
Dr. Gary Moncher, President
[email protected]